Published: 25 Sep 2013
Bristol World Hoop Day Tenovus Hula Hoopathon!
Hooping Mad Community Hoop Troupe are joining forces with Tenovus, the cancer support charity, on World Hoop Day, October 5th. We invite you to come to the Trinity Centre in Bristol for a morning of fun, fundraising and free breakfast! See the Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/523431151074630/
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and World Hoop Day falls upon the first Saturday in October every year - so we have the perfect date for a fundraising hula hoopathon! We will be gathering in the very beautiful setting of the Trinity Centre, a converted church and home of SWhoop, the annual Bristol hoop convention. The challenge is to keep the official hoop spinning for 2 hours! Everyone is welcome, from experienced to novice hoopers. Help and practice/play time is available outside the official hoop space. We will be open from 9am to 12pm with the official hoop spinning time from 9.30-11.30am.
The World Cancer Research Fund’s recommendations for cancer prevention are to increase physical activity and eat a diet higher in fibre and micronutrients and lower in energy density. This event is aimed to get people active and eating healthily. In addition to the official hula hoop, there will be hoops to borrow and informal hooping tuition along to music, together with a free breakfast provided by local businesses.
Indian Head massage tasters will be available during the event, courtesy of the lovely Tori of Shanti Hands holistic Therapies.
We will be fundraising for Tenovus http://www.tenovus.org.uk/ by sponsorship or donation to the event’s Just Giving page http://www.justgiving.com/HoopingMad or buying raffle tickets to win prizes including an Indian Head massage, a private hula hoop lesson and the specially commissioned official hula hoop donated by Hooping Mad. We will also have a collection box for World Hoop Day http://www.worldhoopday.org/ at the event.
Please support this event by attending and getting sponsorship, by encouraging friends or family to take part, joining the volunteer crew, by donation or by sharing the event by word of mouth or on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
For any further information, please post on the FB event page or contact Cat from HMCHT/CatHoops via phone: 07825779532 or email: stuffedcat@hotmail.com or Alex from Tenovus via email: Alexandra.Morgan@tenovus.org.uk